Finalists in the National SQP awards 2021 Equine SQP of the Year and Special Achievement Award

Westgate are finalists in the National SQP awards 2020!

Westgate are finalists in the National SQP awards 2020!

09 October 2021

Equine SQP of the Year and Special Achievement Awards

There is double excitement in the lab this week as the Westgate Team are up for two awards in the National SQP Awards 2021. The team are down to the final two in the Special Achievement Award, recognising those who have gone above and beyond for animal health through the pandemic, and Director Claire is a finalist for Equine SQP of the Year. These prestigious awards are to recognise excellence in our sphere of work and the winners will be announced at a prestigious awards ceremony in the House of Commons on 5th November 2021. 

Finalist for National Equine SQP of the Year

This award recognises equine SQP's who have consistently demonstrated a high level of knowledge, enthusiasm, professionalism and passion for the industry to their customers and the wider equine community.

Claire is not only an experienced SQP, but as Director of Marketing and Communications she also writes and designs all our product literature, promotional material, web content, guidance and customer advice! Here at Westgate Labs our aim is to share our knowledge and raise awareness of targeted parasite control wherever we can. She is regularly asked to present and write articles on best practice worming in the equestrian press and for Universities and Equestrian organisations such as the British Equestrian Trade Association and World Horse Welfare. Giving reliable, independent, easy to understand advice makes it easier for people to draw on our knowledge and keep their horses healthy. Claire says "Our mission is to create much greater awareness of this important area of horse health and being recognised for it is very rewarding".

Finalists for Special Achievement Award SQP of the Year

This year’s Special Achievement Award recognises those that have overcome the challenges of the pandemic and gone over and above to keep customers safe and business resilient in turbulent times.

We're especially proud of this nomination as the Team here at Westgate really have gone above and beyond during some difficult times. The team tested around the clock and over the weekends to retain as seamless a service as possible and the same level of outstanding customer service to help support our customers. This despite post delays and fewer technicians due to shielding. As well as our own clients we took on testing for other labs and many vets (who were closed for routine work in the early months of the pandemic) and horse sanctuaries. This ensured as many horses as possible could be tested and only treated if necessary, maintaining welfare and best practices. Our founding directors even came out of retirement to test samples in the evening several days per week. To protect staff we rearranged the office and put up screens and sanitising stations to maintain distancing, even running two teams where we could to increase resilience. Trading Standards assessed our measures as going ‘above and beyond’ on a routine inspection!

Being shortlisted recognises the amazing dedication of all our staff here at Westgate, getting samples tested, maintaining a high level of quality control, providing exemplary customer service and remaining cheerful in the face of such a difficult time for everyone.

To make the shortlist is a real boost for us all. Good luck everyone!